VARious Things

December 9, 2009

And again - featured in...

what a week - a second time in two days when I'm featured in blogs!!!!
Thanks a lot to the RIKRAK STUDIO !

December 8, 2009

Featured in...

It is really wonderful when someone likes my work...
Thank you, Lindsay!

Just citing:
" Soon-To-Be Surprises!

Not that any of you have a problem navigating Etsy yourself...but I figured I'd post a few of my fave finds to celebrate the imminent gift-giving season!
If you're a bigger spender (or want to buy me something REALLY nice), this felted shawl by Lithuanian designer VART is spectacular. Be warned: this is only for the fashion-focused girl, but if purchased correctly, it's a sure-fire way to get a squeal and a few tears. Trust me."

November 28, 2009




Felt exhibition
An exhibition of functional felt objects – as a collection of traces of traditional meanings in this modern world of globalization.
At first glance it is just a simple game of eight felt makers - Daiva Morozova, Viltė Kazlauskaitė, Ramunė Toleikytė, Inga Samušienė, Donata Dumčiuvienė, Aurelija Masiulionytė, Jurgita Migonienė, and Vaida Petreikienė. Felters, playing with felt surfaces and colours that remind you of a smoke spiced herring or “kūčiukai” – traditional Lithuanian pastry served with poppy seed milk, or cranberry jelly, or hemp salt with boiled potatoes… A subject of Christmas food and variations of common fashion accessories.
However, after getting deeper into every exhibited object and its story that underlie simple lines of felt, you realize the meaning of collating felt and Christmas food by the felt makers of this exhibition.
Christmas food symbolizes respect and consonance, it is food that unites all living family members and guests from the world beyond – souls of our ancestors. Authors of the exhibition refer to a belief that souls of the ancestors hold onto plants, hair and wool…
Drawing their inspiration from ancient traditional meanings of Christmas food, authors complement it with modern touch of this celebration, symbolically connecting wool as a sacred shelter of souls and blessed food for all living and dead, wind, cold, and bees. Authors of the exhibition, using modern felting techniques, invite us to “feast” and rediscover the meanings of this holly period of time even in such (at first glance) common and casual cosmopolitan fashion accessories – felt objects with special purport.

October 25, 2009

Christmas is near...


And again here comes one new treasury. I just have been out of the active life on Etsy for some time... But I'm back again. And I really hope to keep up with the pulse of Etsy world!

October 5, 2009

Some words about FELT UNITED Lietuva

Huge thanks to everybody for everything...

Thanks to the spectators, to Vaiškūnai, to Kaikaras, to my colleagues, to everyone.
Many many thanks to Inga for the warm welcome in her cozy house.
And many many thanks to Vilte for organizing, for gathering us, for everything!

Some photos:

Photos by Victor Morozov

Just some impressions from FELT UNITED Lietuva - our felt installation!

Preparation for Felt United

I'm not a writer... And surely I don't write so good as Vilte does. So I asked her and... I will just use her blog for a little bit. The main thing is that after discussions and considerations, which were very long, with different moods, sometimes consistent and sometimes not at all, we decided - let's do it!
Read more in Vilte's post below.

Preparation for Felt United by Vilte (placed on September 29, 2009)

"As you might remember I blogged about international day of felt Felt United once. Finally I can announce what Lithuanian group of felters is going to make and where.
There has been lot's of discussions, many beautiful ideas, many ups and downs until we found IT. Summarizing the long path we walked: Felt United colors for this year yellow-orange-red suggested something warm, like fire, shining and bright like the Sun or stars in the sky. We also wanted to make something very Lithuanian, very Baltic... And show it in a symbolic place...
The answer to all this was - recently reconstructed Baltic Zodiac and the Sun that is going through all the signs during a year. You can read a very interesting article about Baltic Zodiac here and I am going to mention just the names of those signs:

1. Fishes (Pisces)
2. Sheep skin (Aries)
3. Rider (Taurus)
4. Twins (Gemini)
5. Bird of the Moon (Cancer)
6. Bird of the Sun (Leo)
7. Crane (Virgo)
8. Scales of the sky (Libra)
9. Deer with 9 horns (Scorpio)
10. Spearman (Saggitarius)
11. Goat (Capricorn)
12. Horse (Aquarius)

The installation will be made in a symbolic place - Ethnocosmological museum in Moletai, under a big glass dome with an idea that the felt installation is to be seen for people on Earth as well as the whole Universe.

There is still a lot of preparation work to be done until the opening of the installation on October 3d at 4pm at Ethnocosmological museum in Moletai but there is a little preview of the sign I was making - sheep's skin - with an idea of mythological golden wool. Dyed with plants of course :)"

More of Vilte work can be found on Etsy - , on her Flickr, and on her website

September 30, 2009

Felt United

Jungtinės Tautos 2009 metus paskelbė Tarptautiniais Natūralių Pluoštų metais. Būtent šiais natūralių pluoštų metais pirmą kartą pasaulyje bus švenčiama Tarptautinė Veltinio diena - spalio 3-ioji, kurios metu visame pasaulyje bus vykdomas projektas „Felt United“. Šis projektas įtrauktas į oficialių JTO Tarptautinių Natūralių Pluoštų kampanijos renginių sąrašą.

Veltinis – seniausia, archajiškiausia ir viena iš ekologiškiausių tekstilės rūšių tiek savo tekstiliniais komponentais, tiek technika. Veltinis – tiek amatas, tiek menas, kurį spalio 3 dieną veltininkai visame pasaulyje stengsis atskleisti plačiąjai visuomenei. 2009-ųjų pirmosios Tarptautinės Veltinio dienos spalvos – geltona, oranžinė, raudona spinduliuos visame pasaulyje rengiamuose Veltinio dienos renginiuose, instaliacijose ar akcijose. Veltinio dienos projektai, patvirtinti Felt United iniciatorių tinklapyje, vyks daugelyje pasaulio šalių, tarp kurių – ir Lietuva (visų šiame projekte dalyvaujančių šalių vykdomi veltinio projektai „Felt United“ iniciatorių bus jungiami į vieną fotoreportažinį pristatymą, kuris pasaulinės žiniasklaidos bei virtualios erdvės pagalba ir toliau pristatys bei propaguos vieną seniausių tekstilės rūšių žemėje).

Įsiliedamos į pasaulinę Veltinio dienos šventę Lietuvos veltininkės – Viltė Kazlauskaitė, Inga Samušienė, Jurgita Migonienė, Daiva Morozova, Donata Dumčiuvienė, Kristina Bajorienė, Ramunė Toleikytė, Vaida Petreikienė, Aurelija Masiulionytė ir Renata Kraus, ieškojo to, kas ne tik atskleistų veltinio grožį, jo meninę ar amatinę išraišką plačiajai Lietuvos bei viso pasaulio visuomenei, bet tuo pačiu išsiskirtų lietuvišku unikalumu, siektų senąsias baltiškas mūsų tautos šaknis.

„Felt United“ projekto spalvos – geltona-oranžinė-raudona kužda apie šilumą, ugnį, liepsną, saulę, visus dangaus šviesulius, o 2009-ieji taip pat paskelbti Astronomijos metais, taigi veltininkių akys nukrypo į dangų. Siekdamos prikelti iš šimtmečių užmaršties bei propaguoti baltiškas visatos suvokimo žinias „Felt United“ projekto objektu jos pasirinko neseniai rekonstruotą baltiškąjį Zodiaką (pagal etnoastronomą Joną Vaiškūną). Zodiako ženklų zoomorfinė prigimtis archajiškame mitologiniame mąstyme – savotiškas kodas, padedantis žmogui suvokti save ir savo santykį su jį supančiu pasauliu.

Veltinio instaliacija sudaryta iš 12-os baltiškų Zodiako ženklų bei per juos keliaujančios Saulės simbolio. Instaliacijos vieta – Molėtų Etnokosmologijos muziejaus stiklinis apžvalgos skliautas, kuriame išdėstyti baltiškieji Zodiako ženklai bei spindinti Saulė – simbolinė, skleidžianti baltiškąjį suvokimą šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje, atnaujinanti sąsajas su protėvių baltų turėtomis žiniomis bei atverianti veltinio grožį, įkūnytą į baltiškuosius simbolius, ne tik Lietuvos, pasaulio visuomenei, bet ir visai pro stiklinį Etnokosmologijos muziejaus skliautą atsiveriančiai Visatai.

Ekspozicijos pristatymas vyks 2009 spalio 3 dieną 16:00 valandą Molėtų Etnokosmologijos muziejuje.

Norinčius dalyvauti pristatyme prašome registruotis el. paštu:

- - - - - - - --

This is about... FELT UNITED! International Day of Felt!!!

You can read it here

A group of Lithuanian felters will be making a very ethnically exceptional installation of ancient Baltic Zodiac symbols that were recently reconstructed and a big Sun that travels around the signs of Zodiac. The installation will be made in a symbolic place - Ethnocosmological museum in Moletai, under a big glass dome with an idea that the felt installation is to be seen for people on Earth as well as the whole Universe.

The presentation of the installation will take place on October 3d at 4 pm Lithuanian time, in Ethnocosmological museum in Moletai.

September 17, 2009

Gentle Wind

 Just a small game with various materials: Merino wool, young camel wool, banana fibre, silk fibre, soya staple, etc... So gentle and soft... Like a wind...

September 15, 2009

Etsy Frontpage, Blogs and similar

Thanks to Intres!!!

And huge thanks to / Thank you!!!:

Just citing:

"Monday, September 14, 2009

seasonal affect disorder

I'm depressed. It feels so good to say it! I feel free. Alright, I'll stop. I am just feeling a bit affected by the weather-TO SAY THE LEAST. ...
Nonetheless, it's been cold. And these beautiful finds look very warm! And that makes me happy! And it's all about me, right?"

August 10, 2009

Several more...

And again here come several more treasuries created by me. This process of selection is really similar to art creation... It's fun!

August 5, 2009

Paula Art. Featured by Paula Mccullough

Recently I have got acquainted with Paula Mccullough, a wonderful artist who creates very contemporary pieces of art. Her work is very impressive and outstanding. She creates art really out of nothing, using such items that sometimes are of no value for ordinary people. Her art is so organic, so suitable for modern interiors. Just have a look:

More of her work can be found at her Etsy shop or on her personal website
As well she has the blog for treasuries and people on Etsy. And I was really honored to be featured there. Thanks again, Paula!

"Monday, August 3, 2009

treasuries and work by Vaida P

I've met and made friends with another Etsy person, Vaida. She has two Etsy shops, one features fine art prints, and the other handmade items made from wool, silk, gemstones and glass. Things such as bracelets, brooches, interior, necklaces and scarves. Vaida's photography is very textural and natural, there is an interesting correlation between her handmade items and her photography. Both of her Etsy shops have a similar feel; when I visit her work I feel like I'm in a different world...a universe that is a bit icy and barren; I feel a starkness that somehow stimulates my senses on a new level.

Vaida has recently featured my work in a few of her treasuries, I've enjoyed them so much...they too have her flair for earthy textured goodness. Some people are just naturals at making treasuries, she is one of them! Thanks Vaida for including me in your beautiful T's!

July 31, 2009


Just a treasury placed yesterday...

Check for the items on Etsy by the seller's name under the picture of the item.