VARious Things

August 29, 2010

Back to Reality

Nearly 5300 kilometers, nearly three weeks away from Lithuania.... And now - back to reality....

August 11, 2010


So - now it's the time to leave for a few weeks.
Goodbye, computer, 
Goodbye, handcrafts, 
Goodbye, my everyday life...

Hope to reach Montenegro ;)


Just a few days ago I wrote about my time in the countryside - being there, enjoying the slow life, walking in the rain, gathering chanterelles.... Alas.... No more chantarelles, no more other mushrooms... No more walking in the beautiful forest.... The storm made it:

And this was the road...

August 5, 2010

Summertime Life

Just came back to the city life for a while...
After spending a whole month in the country-house...
It was a perfect time....
Being ...

Playing with water....

Having a cup of coffee...

Walking in the rain....

Gathering chanterelles...

Watching the nature...

Or being just a little bit crazy...

This is my life :)