VARious Things

March 27, 2010

Dog's Life

Sometimes it just happens...
One rainy Saturday my parents' dog had an accident running somewhere in the fields...
It could be an unsuccessful cat chasing through the barbed wire fence...
The wound was so deep that the visit to the surgeon was unavoidable...
Hence this hunter is smartened up with a beautiful white collar...
For 10 days...
Dog's life...


  1. Bet koks jis fainuoliukas tas suniukas!!!

  2. Labai grazus suniuks! linkiu greit pasveikti!

  3. Gražus išpuoselėtas šuniukas. Linkiu jam pasveikti

  4. Awww! Cute doggie! He/she looks pretty proud of that collar -- or at least resigned to wearing it!

  5. Oh, Cynthia, he is just not proud at all :) It is so hard for him to live in such an imprisonment...

    Aha, gražuoliukas jis :) Ir pasiutęs, ir išlepintas, o dabar dar ir visai nesidžiaugia šitokiu gyvenimo apribojimu... Na, dar kelios dienelės, ir važiuosim siūlų lauk imti.
